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- over 13 years ago
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- over 13 years ago
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Oh the farm *facepalm*. I used that farm a lot, and even made a secret entrance to it. I remember: The server had just recently updated to 1.2 and I was excited about the skills that I saw on the temp. server. I went into the farm and harvested all of the wheat in a frenzy to level up herbalism and in the process of replanting I got distracted by one thing or another, forgetting the farm. Shortly thereafter (the next day or so,) I moved away from Ibizia and I never remembered to replant it. Oops. In any case I'm sorry and if it helps I can come and replant the farm as I still have 2 or 3 stack of seeds from that, as well as several bones. As for the house I'm not sure but I offer my sincere apologies and services/materials to fix the damages there, too. I still wish to be a part of this server, and you have my word that I will not make this mistake again. If there is anything that I an do to help out I will. <3 Dwarfdeaths
over 13 years ago
Lag is obviously Agent Smith(s) from the matrix... they are everywhere... Can't you imagine them clambering all over the server, clogging it up and burying it?
over 13 years ago
Username: Dwarfdeaths Date banned: between Tuesday March 13 and Monday Mach 12 Person who banned me: Unknown Reason for ban: I tried to log onto the server at about 10:30pm (East coast), and I was "Disconnected by Server: Griefing Ibizia" I really am not sure what triggered this, but what I can say in my defense it that I have moved to the warp "glassdiamond" with PokemonGardevoir to begin a building project with her, and have not been to Ibizia much at all recently, save for introducing a friend to the server. I did, however, clear out my own house which I made there in the process of relocating my belongings to the "glassdiamond" warp. Aside from that I can think of nothing that would have triggered this except possibly for deleting a block to make a climbable path out of the courtyard. In any case, I no longer live at Ibizia and have not been interacting with it lately. I am new to the server and it's finite workings, but I am pretty sure I have read and understand the rules. If this ban is a mistake on my part I ask for a pardon, as I am not a griefer nor ever will be, and I will do my best to contribute to the server. - Dwarfdeaths Edit: The friend i was introducing to the server is "csnyder850101" (spelling?) , and if it is any help he can testify that I was not griefing whilst I showed him Ibizia. Also, if necessary, PokemonGardevoir can testify on my behalf that I have indeed relocated to her town/village and begun a project there.
over 13 years ago